Monday, July 25, 2011

The K2 Experience.

So I couldn't believe it the first time I smoked California Kronic 7x,a legal alternative for getting high.The stuff actually worked,and I didn't have to worry about getting thrown in the slammer.But one thing bothered me...If it doesn't contain the following,( JWH-018),(JWH-073),(JWH-200),(CP47,497),(HU-210)then what does it contain?According to my sources,these analgesic chemicals that have been isolated are Full Agonist towards the CB1,and the CB2 receptors,which means that the effects are way more intense..But that isn't always a good thing.These chemicals can cause anxiety,and can even send the not so regular smokers into convulsions,and even seizures.As for the long term smokers,you aren't safe either.The long term effects include psychological adverse effects.Guess what else?According to the internet,Its even more habit forming than THC,not to mention way more potent.In my opinion,if you have any psychological problems, you should not smoke any type of spice,or K2.Which gets back to my original question....What's in the ingredients?The chemicals above are illegal in all 50 states,the UK,Canada,and some of Europe and Asia.So what is this chemical that we are putting into our body?As soon as I find out,ill let you know.


  1. Some other , chemicals are am2201, buzz wholesale, look under chem tab.

  2. Did you figure out which chemical was being used?
